29 January 2014

Taking the challenge..


Helloo ladies. Ok i know i have been doing and trying a lot of diet programs, and as you can see.. it doesnt happend. The scale just doesnt budge! blerghhh.. and now i have gained 6 kilos. YES 6!! The main reason is i have been overeating for the past 2 months. I dunno why .. i just cant stop munching!
So today, my first day of 30days eat clean challenge.

I had plain tuna sandwiches (no mayonese ok) for my breakfast and lunch. Wooo tergugat jugaklah tengok kebab but alhamdulillah.. tahannn.. and today is my 5th day of  sugar-free drinks.. i feel healthier and rasa muka kecik sikit like 1mm .. like honestly! complexion pun alhamdulillah better. tak percaya,, cuba try!

My first day was quite challenging. perut berkeroncong sepanjang masa.. haha.. well whats for tomorrow? seriously i dunnoo.. (another angan2 mat jenin nak kurus) haha.. but seriously this time btol2 kena disiplin. insyaAllah boleh! wish me luck girls.. :)

28 January 2014

Shape and Style..


Good morning! and Happy Tuesday ladies.. May today be filled with giggles and hope you enjoy doing the 'friday dance' (though its not Friday yet) ahaha.  I just finished teaching and now im taking a few minutes to relax and write. Never thought my next entry will be this soon. Hehe. Haa sempat #ootd and #selfie jap. (photo). Before i go deep into my topic today, lets us pray together for my mother that currently admitted due to pneumonia lung infection. Lets together sedekahkan Al-fatihah ( alfatihah penyembuh segala penyakit ok) to my mother agar dia sembuh sepenuhnya.  *sigh* i wish i am beside her and take care of her in the hospital now. Haih, 

Ok, the topic would be still about Hijab. (tak abis2 maryam pasal hijab dia) Ok i know some of you tak kisah and feel confident with whatever hijab style but as for me, i just want it to be presentable and not so 'attractive'. I have been browsing a lot in the internet about hijab style with different face shapes. I had no clue on what styles to wear that suits my face and comfortable and improtantly covering at the same time. Mungkinn ada kekurangan di sana sini bila i berhijab (nampak dada.. baju not fully long sleeve, ternmpak leher sikit) tpi slowly insyaAllah sikit2 tertutup la semua. heee :)

Saya sedia maklum bahawa berhijab bukan lah for 'suit' or not.. its about covering and to please Allah. Tapi si pemakai terutama untuk budak baru belajar seperti saya haruslah berasa selesa and the most important thing is to build up my confidence since i was one of the first among my Turkish friends that wear Hijab. Biar nampak cantik so secara tidak langsung i am encouraging them to wear Hijab (slowly diorang mcm interested because they never expose with all different kind of hijab styles- u can see how they wear hijab in Turki.. samaje.. but they have best collection of hijab/shawls here)

What i want to share and want to know is on how to frame my face using my scarf. not the design, or that 'sup bunjut adabi' (oh please dont call me shallow or katak bawah tempurung with current hijab fashion) or 'bendera melaysia berkibar' i just want to style my hijab in a way that is comfortable and nice. 

The picture (click to enlarge) i got it from Ummi Nodliroh trough her Instagram on how to do your hijab in different face shapes. Those who have oval face, memang patut bersyukur.. semua style suits you! And for me (round face) style yang biasa juga sesuai i cant have flat .. haha (still syukuurr.). Ok besides the face framing, i also have been browsing on how to crown and style my hijab. My all time favourite adalah semestinya hana tajima tapi modify sikit sebab muka hana tajima panjang dan cantik.. Hehe. I think the style (besides style tudung bawal biasa)  really suits me. Turkish people pun mcm suka style ni tapi diorang tak berani cuba (dont ask me why). sebab ade few strangers been asking me, i just said "hana tajima" 

collection selfie.. haha.. (jangan marah aa)
The first time i wore this style and came to the office, ramai cakap i looked different. Yang nakal2 tu cakap saya macam character dalam cerita Star Wars ( teka sendiri yang mana.. haha) tak kisah lah semua tu. As long as im comfortable and feel confident.. tu yang lebih penting.. Yes i used to feel very low on not being able to look stylish wearing scarf and on top of this the added pressure is when they said i look better and prettier without hijab .. but now who cares yaaa.. kalau nak kisah orang kiri kanan memang sampai bila tak kemana.. i will use those negative people to climb up my ladder and be on top, look down and just smile at them.. (bukan riak ok, but i just dont want to stoop and be at their level) :) Sekarang dah 2014.. takde masa nak pikir and cakap pasal orang.

So guess thats all for now.. better get back to work! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy reading my entries. Will try my best to share some other infos as well.. jadi blog ilmiah sikit.. hihi sama2 belajar ok! Babai!

27 January 2014

It has changed me..


Dah lama tak cerita2 kan.. Hehe.. macam biasa la.. sibuk sikit.. before i begin i would like to thank to all my loyal readers yang still baca blog ni.. i know i have been changing the link and title for quite often.. haha.. content pun macam ntah pape.. but u still visit my blog and looking forward for the next entry.. (ni pun ada orang dah sound bila nak update) Ok, for this entry ..let me continue with my hijab story.. my hijab journey..

Hijab. It has changed me bit by bit in so many ways since i wore it. I love it and i just cant wait to get up in the morning and try some new style with hijab..  Memang betul, the first stage of wearing the hijab i have faced so so many challenges.. (ni case iman tak kuat, jangan tiru aksi ini)..

Firstly i felt different and awkward among my turkish friends.. Haha yeah mostly they are not wearing hijab and sexaayyy.. Secondly i felt weird and cant add my style with hijab, i have so limited clothes and even i went shopping with my friends i felt so envy that they can buy and wear anything but as for me i need to do some extra 'scanning' and open my eyes wider as i am wearing hijab now.. i cant simply grab those clothes like i used to .. Apart from that.. somehow i felt my self-esteem has dropped because some people say i look better without hijab.. huuu to be honest, it wasnt that easy at first to be seen different especially in your circle of friends that are not wearing hijab.. i can say it is much easier to be different inside but not on the outside..

Tapi tu semua mula mula je.. Biasala hasutan syaitan orang kata.. Alhamdulillah, Allah is Great, Allah is Beautiful. I managed the fear, uneasiness and comfortableness very well. Now i am stronger and my faith has grown.  Kalau niat tu memang untuk Dia..insyaAllah everything will be alright. And who said u cant add style with your hijab on? Haha.. ok let me share my story with all of you..

One day after the first week of wearing hijab, i was sitting down on my bed and termenung sejenak. Started to list down in my head all the clothes that i have (dalam otak tengah buat mix and match) looking at those clothes.. what to do with those short dress.. short sleeves tops.. and all those baju yang tak sesuai untuk pakai dengan tudung.. i really need to start develop my new wardrobe..

Ahaa.. i found  my old knee-length dress.. i love it sooo much because somehow the dress makes me looks slimmer.. takkan nak give away kan? So what i did was.. match the dress with my long black flared skirt.. wallaaa~ terus jadi kurung modern.. bravo maryam! haha tpi sebenarnye bila tengok hijab fashion kat internet.. ramai je dah buat mcm tuu.. heeee.. sorry i lambat sikit! but what im trying to say here is hijab doesnt stop you to be stylo mylo.. boleh jer, asalkan you know how to wear it.. what to wear it with.. and when to wear it.. You will look absolutely gorgeous with your hijab. Cheh.. dah macam konon2 terer sangaat.. sorry just got excited with the new me. Honestly i love the new me!

Im not giving fashion advises here okey.. i know im not that fashionable.. im just sharing my hijab journey. Thanks to all who never stop giving me supports (as well as compliments) my family of course..mom and dad are very happy that their one and only stubborn naughty but sweet daughter has finally wear hijab and also to my fashion consultant Mr. F that always there to help me to take my stress to figure out the best hijab style that suit my face shape.. and also help me to sort out my new 'wardrobe' ( hari2 skype buat fashion show ok) Hehe and thank you so much for got me some beautiful shawls.. love them!

Kenapa dan bagaimana? Haaaa tu adalah soalan2 cepuk mas yang sering dilemparkan kepada saya sejak berhijab. Haha.. ramai jugak terkejut sebab if you were to ask me pun.. seriously i dunno why i decided to wear hijab .. niat memang dah ada.. tapi nak pakai after balik umrah ( if i were to go this year InsyaAllah).tak pun on mom's birthday kononye nak surprise dia.. tapi mungkin hidayah tu datang lebih awal.. it was just on one day after i got back from work.. my heart told me repeatedly and confidently that its time to wear hijab. So the next day on 11th Jan.. hijab was my crown!

Well, i guess thats all for today. now is the time for me to pack up and go home.. Oh! currently im on diet (maryam tak abis2 diet/ gym tapi tak kurus puuuun) ive gained 6kilos. thanks to you.. yes YOU! for always make me happy and never fail to amaze me.. and thats the main reason why im faaaatttt.. booooooo~ ok ladies.. thanks for reading. stay tuned! i dunno when will be the next entry but just stay tuned ok! love you and thanks for reading!

20 January 2014

Sunday 19th Jan


Some photos to share during Serkan's Wedding. Sorry there was no picture of the bride and the groom coz they were busy 'Halay' (turkish dance).. So just picture of us.. Hehe

12 January 2014

2014 - Hijrah & Korban


Hi ladies.. better late than never.. wishing everybody happy new year 2014! Every each new year is often seen as a time of rebirth, its the chance for everybody start anew. Everybody must be came up with the regular resolutions for this new year like losing weight (part of my list too) finding Mr. right, getting hitched but often our idea of what SHOULD change are too wide. 

As you all can see my current entry is about Hijrah and Korban.. and yes, 2014 is  some serious change for me.. i have marked 11.1.2014 was my full day of wearing Hijab. Well, this is not my first time wearing hijab.. the decision to fully cover was such a big step that i should make sure that i am ready for. So i took it one step at a time, started to wear it to work and now alhamdulillah i have started to wear to everywhere and again its step by step thing. 

I felt so much peaceful with the new me and i hope it will last insyaAllah. Its an amazing feeling when i wear it as i know i am covering my beauty for myself, future husband and Allah. Of course it was difficult at first to start with Alhamdulillah i managed to hold my head up high. 

"Allah has ordained this beauty, He likes this beauty and He is the Most beautiful" So ladies.. lets please our Most Beautiful Allah.
